I have been inspired to change the look and feel of my blog (hence why I haven't written in awhile).

Whilst weight loss remains important to me, it is only one part of my life...

I must dedicate my first blog in the new style to my MacBook Pro...

Everything has changed for the better since you entered my life...you hold the keys to my future and you are the Apple of my eye...You bring such beauty and I am drawn to your purity as you illuminate my world...You command such a presence every time we meet...My MacBook Pro...I love you.

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Easter is over. Chocolate is a thing of the past. Exercise is my new mantra.

Welcome to yet another fresh start and a renewed focus.

Good news is that I didn't put on any weight over Easter, bad news...I didn't lose any either (I know, shock horror)

1 day down of my renewed focus and I'm doing good. I was STARVING last night though.

Today is another day, another busy day, another day of my diet.