I have been inspired to change the look and feel of my blog (hence why I haven't written in awhile).

Whilst weight loss remains important to me, it is only one part of my life...

I must dedicate my first blog in the new style to my MacBook Pro...

Everything has changed for the better since you entered my life...you hold the keys to my future and you are the Apple of my eye...You bring such beauty and I am drawn to your purity as you illuminate my world...You command such a presence every time we meet...My MacBook Pro...I love you.

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Easter is over. Chocolate is a thing of the past. Exercise is my new mantra.

Welcome to yet another fresh start and a renewed focus.

Good news is that I didn't put on any weight over Easter, bad news...I didn't lose any either (I know, shock horror)

1 day down of my renewed focus and I'm doing good. I was STARVING last night though.

Today is another day, another busy day, another day of my diet.

Who am I kidding? No sugar before Easter?

Computer says noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Ok, so sugar free week will need to start after Easter.

Some days I just feel blah...and today is one of those days.

I feel like a sausage stuck in a very tight skin...goodness, such a unique image...

Had to get into my comfy pants today.

I need to have a cleansing week. Yes, a cleansing week.

I met up with my two sister-in-laws this morning and over a sugar-filled "high tea" at Eurolounge, I was inspired. One of my beautiful sisters told me that she spent the week away from processed sugar and felt so much better! (Now, both my sister's in law are my ideal weight, so it's a little eye-opening to see that even skinny people need to be on a diet...constantly!)

So I too shall go SUGAR free this week.

Hmmm...should I get in some sugar before the weekend is over?

Bite sized naughtiness!

I know in advance that around 3pm every afternoon I want something naughty, and who are we kidding it would definitely be chocolate!

So, the best are the bite sized treats that you find in the supermarket. Sometimes you don't need a whole bar of chocolate, you just need the sweet smooth taste of chocolate in your mouth.

So cure your craving in moderation and portion control!

No exclamation mark can be given to the title of today's post.

I have put on 1/2kg this last week.

Combine stress and long hours of work...oh and the chinese take out over the weekend, and voila! A recipe for weight gain.

However, I did lose 2 kgs in the previous two weeks, so +1/2 kg...or 500gms...not THAT bad.

Need to commit to more exercise this week...blah!

Health Food Junk Food

I'm going to share with you a quick and healthy lunch idea.

Ever had a day where you just didn't feel like actually eating anything for lunch, but you knew that you had to eat something to avoid being hungry in the afternoon?

Ok, I know, strange question...but hear me out. Today is quite a warm day and I am not feeling like going to much effort.

Here's what I just had for lunch. I made a smoothie! I put in some yoghurt, frozen berries, soy milk (of course you can use lite milk), one small banana and blended it all together...wooshka! A healthy less than 5 min lunch!

Truth be known, I've had this as a breakfast smoothie (without the banana sometimes).

Go on, try it.

Oh my gosh! Snack idea!

Water crackers and the little pot of Philidelphia cream cheese (the light version!).

Don't wait for a pre-made, pre-packaged snack idea. Enjoy the simple treat and hunger-filler.

PLUS, I just threw the box of crackers and the little container of Philidelphia Cream Cheese straight into my handbag, so no preparation. When it came time to eat, you use the cheese as a dip. Voila!

Wow, these weigh in days come around too quickly!

I am another 1/2 kg down. Thank goodness for the hair-cut...hey! As long as the reading on the scales is less than last week, I'm cheering! Down is good!

Could've been 1 kg down...damn cheesecake

I'm finding that I'm in a momentum of diet thinking. Now that I've lost 2 kgs after my last plateau and the numerous comments I've had about my weight loss, I am inspired and motivated to keep going!

I find myself eating smaller meals, opting for water rather than soft drink and generally thinking healthy!

So, my conclusion, you really need 2-3 weeks to get the momentum going.

Of course, I haven't managed to do it by sacrificing everything. Everything in moderation!

I had a shampoo, cut and blow-dry today. So worth it!

I was too lazy to wash my hair last night, and so my blah-hair went back in a pony tail. Of course all morning I regretted not washing my hair as it made my whole body feel blah!

On these days, I don't care what I wear, I don't care about wearing make-up...but inside I DO care because I feel blah!

So I went to the hair dresser and now I'm feeling fabulous! A perfect accompaniment to losing a few kilos!

I've always loved the look of almost knee-high boots and a knee-length skirt. 

The furthest I have ever been able to go is a knee-length skirt, why??? Well, if they made boots like ski boots then I could fit my calf in them!

I need the adjustable latches to squeeze all my "muscle" (come on, did you really want me to say fat?) into the boot!

I have in the past settled for ankle boots. This works of course under jeans, but with a skirt? For some yes, for those with thigh sized calves? I think not.

Now, brace yourself, because I can hardly hide my excitement! 

City Chic (don't worry, they ship internationally!) have just launched their new boot range!!!

City Chic is my very favourite store. It has clothes and accessories that have been made especially for the plus sized woman. This is not just tent clothing or a skinny person's clothes with extra fabric! They have designs especially to flatter the larger woman.

I will feature some other clothes etc in future blogs, but I am SO excited about the boot range!

Look at what they have designed...

Hello! Fabulous!

As Easter is approaching we need to face the facts that Hot Cross Buns will be part of the menu.

Firstly, it is essential that the buns are of excellent quality. There is no room to waste calories on eating anything sub-quality. This is absolutely essential!

Secondly, be prepared to cut back on other treats during the day (don't forget, it will be worth it). For example: You could have a warm, lightly buttered hot cross bun for morning tea, but skip dessert in the evening.

Mmmm delicious!

Today as I walking through the office a very good, wonderful and genuine friend that I work with said...and I quote "oh my gosh, you look fantastic! You can really tell that you've lost weight!"

These words are the ultimate motivation for my weight loss journey!

Suddenly I find myself walking with more of a sway in my hips. I re-apply my lipstick more often. I smile at everyone I see. Why? Because I believe that they too think that I'm looking mighty fabulous!

Ahhh, the magic of compliments!

Great news!

I'm down another 1 kg!


How did I do it this week?

It was about portion control and healthy eating. Healthy snack options like vita-wheats and weight watchers treats.

I have to be honest, I didn't do a lot of exercise this week, nor did I drink enough of he what that I should have. As a result I'm feeling more tired than I should be.

This coming week will be about getting that water consumption up and exercising!

If I had to name my biggest motivation for losing weight and if you wanted a real answer...I want to look HOT!

Most of my life I have struggled with my weight. In around 2002/3 I lost a whole stack of weight and I looked great! (All modesty aside of course!) I could fit into a size 10-12 pants which I can hardly believe now. I am annoyed that I allowed myself to gain weight again and blossom to my state today.

Before I get all depressed again, I have to remember that I did use to be 10kgs heavier than I am today, so at least I am not where I used to be and I have a goal for where I want to be!

I want to be able to wear clothes from Witchery, Country Road, Ojay, Portmans  and all of those other gorgeous brands that only really fits people up to a size 12! I want to be able to wear a shirt tucked in! I want to be able to wear a belt! A dress! A skirt! Things other than black! I want to be able to wear something sleeveless!

Ok, so say you walk into an apparel store. You avoid all the clothes that are for tall people (oh, did I mention that I'm also 5'1?...I know vertically and horizontally challenged!), so now we're down to 75% of the store. Next we have to avoid anything with a "cling" to it, which takes us down to 50% of the store. Our next items to avoid or walk straight past are all the light coloured items - especially white, cream, beige, so now we're down to 25% of the store. All dresses and skirts - OUT, so now we're at 10% of the store. Prints, horizontal stripes, patterns...gone...gone...gone...now we're at 2%.

Out of the leftover items, out of the 2% of the store...what's left? Size 8 and accessories! PUH-LEEZE!!!!

So unless you live under a rock, everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

For me, my metabolism needs as much as help as it can get, so I make sure that I have breakfast every morning.

The difficulty I faced for a long time was finding the time to make sure I had breakfast. As I'm not a morning person and because I love my snooze button, I don't have breakfast at home, I have it in the office.

I take a tub of yoghurt (low fat) and I already have cereal (raw muesli) at work. As soon as I get in I mix up the cereal and yoghurt and of finish it off with a soy cappuccino, voila! Easy, healthy breakfast!

When I want to be a little bit wild I replace the yoghurt with low fat milk or soy milk. Mmmmmm delicious!

When on a diet I find it extremely challenging to do the grocery shopping. Why? Well, it's because everything that I shouldn't be eating calls out to me!

Yesterday I went shopping for the week's groceries and I managed to stick to everything I planned to buy and I followed these steps:

1. I planned out my meals for the week. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a budget saver I planned out the meals using as much as I could of what I already had in the pantry. I have so much in my pantry that every time I close the cupboard I do a "shove" and "quickly close" move.

2. I made a list. I took a look at the weekly specials in the Woolworths brochure online, this way I KNEW what was going to be highlighted as "sale" items and I knew what I could get and what I needed to stay away from. I don't know about you, but quite often if I see "buy one Dairy Milk chocolate, get one free "I tend to rationalise why it should be in my shopping trolley!
3. When I was in the shops I avoided any aisles that I didn't need to go into (i.e. the confectionary aisle, the biscuit aisle).
4. If there was temptation to buy something horribly delicious, I asked myself THREE times whether I really wanted it. I would say...YES...yes...NO...and put it back.
5. I set myself  a time limit as to how long I would be at the shops. This is to make sure I wasn't going to wonder the aisles and look at things I shouldn't be. I stuck to the list!
6. At the checkout, I didn't even look at the chocolate bars that could easily fall onto the conveyor belt, I moved away.

Simple things...but it is essential to make everything a deliberate decision.

One thing that I found really helpful was looking out for Weight Watchers products. I knew that I would want snacks and desserts, so I bought the Weight Watchers treats and sweets so I know that I could control my portions and fat intake. The range is quite impressive and covers many categories.

Weigh in day and I'm down 1kg!

Whilst I need to keep it in perspective (i.e. I put on 2 kgs after my last trip)...I'm still 100% inspired!

I'm thinking exercise, I'm thinking salad...I'm thinking NO CARBS!

Most importantly I'm planning out the day with a commitment to eat healthy. It's now a mind-set. It's like starting all over again every day, resetting my thoughts for the day...

I cannot lie...I still have evil thoughts of carbs...chocolate...oh my gosh...things I just need to stop thinking about!

Today I'm eating from the bottom of the triangle only!!!

The week finished extremely busy with 20 hour days and lots of stress.

What I can say is that I've been a good girl (finally!). I didn't drink too much and I certainly didn't eat too much.

What was the motivation? What was the e-ching of my success? Well, to be honest, it was just being too busy to even think about food.

So, I'm putting it out there...I think that I need to distract myself EVERY DAY!


How much water are you drinking?

I have been informed that the more you weigh, the more you need to drink otherwise it hinders your weight loss.

What the???

Check it out...

Human Water Requirement Calculator

One thing that I do have to mention, only because it made a difference, I worry about what I look like in a gym. I know, I shouldn't, but I do. I want my flubber to stay put, I don't want wobbly bits entertaining others!

When I was in Singapore last year I invested in some good quality Nike sports gear. Great leggings that have the right support pockets to control the cellulite from their own little disco and a great bra/singlet top to control any extra bounce above. I completed the look with a t-shirt that was long enough to cover the tummy, but not too big that I couldn't move..and VOILA! Great exercise outfit that feels great, looks decent and is efficient.

Bottom line, if you are serious about weight loss, then spend some time commiting to good quality gear that takes away one more excuse for exercising.

Ok, so usually if I get as far as packing my gym gear, it doesn't get to see anymore than my suitcase.

This time, I actually used it! I know, incredible right? It's ok, I'm just as shocked. All these baby steps I have made has actually led me down a path I never actually thought I would visit. I actually CHOSE to exercise this afternoon.

We managed to finish on time today and I had the afternoon to myself. After a take away lunch and sitting in an office all day, I felt disgusting. I was heavy in my stomach, I had a headache, a back ache and I just felt lousy!

So I just made the decision that I would go to the gym. I didn't give one thought to "oh my gosh, people are going to look at me" and just made the decision to go. It felt great! I went on one of those cross-trainers and it just felt good.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not enrolling in the next tri-athalon or anything, but it just felt like my body was processing the food that I ate at lunch. It got to 10 mins and I was ready to say "yep, surely this counts as exercise!"...but I remembered something my husband told me. As soon as you're ready to give up, keep going! I know, craaaaazy! Apparently it's this "going the extra" that really makes a difference. So I did!

I kept going. I focused on a point on the wall and just kept pumping. Then, get this, an older man got onto the machine next to me and was going faster than me. I don't know about you, but this made me focus on how fast he was going, and made me keep going! I think it's because I had a different focus. I didn't concentrate on the minutes going by, or how hard I was finding it...or that I just didn't want to break out as the 'fat woman who has gone all red in the face'. I was distracted by this old guy going faster than me and I just had to prove a point!

I kept going.

I got to the 18 min mark and from there, it was the longest 2 mins of my life!!! However, I had gotten this far, so I pushed some more...and not to expand on these two minutes anymore...I made it to the 20mins!

Shock horror! I felt amazing!!!

Exhiliarated even!

A champion even! Cue "Eye of the Tiger"...

Once again I'm away from home for work. This time I'm in Auckland, New Zealand.

I have to tell you about the place that I'm staying in.

The Langham.

Wow! The service is impeccable! The room is amazing! I spent the first few minutes in the room taking pictures (I'll share some as soon as I can work out how to download my photos without a cord...)

I took this photo of Trip Advisor. The gorgeous detail is in Pink and Gold. The upright books are the books of services and In-Room dining. The pretty box is the compendium with your writing elements. My room has a beautiful diary on a stand.

The details in this place just definitely earns them their 5 star rating.

For example, room service breakfast comes with a toaster! I know! How clever! This way I don't have cold toast this morning I have freshly toasted warm delicious toast!!!

I will have to share my photos over the next few days.

What I can say is that I'm packed this time with my gym gear...the intent is there...Now to find the time...

How is one supposed to deal with stress really?

I've had a stressful couple of days at work...little sleep...lots of silly people that don't know how to think properly...and in the midst of it all? I was scrounging around for chocolate...like looking for a quick hit...

Then someone had a birthday...so I ate a piece of cake...

The desire for sweetness consumed me...

Do you honestly think that at a time like this I would be reaching for a carrot stick to calm me down?????

Then, I got a hold of myself. Yes, I had the piece of cake...but I stopped my salivating, got up off my paws and realised that I was looking for something sweet, yes, but it was probably because I was stressed and restless. So I improvised on the sweetness and had some grapes...woohoo! Yeah me!

Today even though I was stressed again, I made sure the healthier option was at my reach.

All I could think about was getting home and having a drink. Come on, who could blame me?!?!?! If you could drink at work I would have started at 9am!

However, I didn't consume a bottle...I came home, spent some quality time with my husband and daughter with some great laugh time to release those happy cells, and then relaxed with one glass of wine over dinner.

Oh my goodness...I think I'm changing my behaviour!

For those of you who know, it was Chinese New Year on Sunday. The celebrations continue for 15 days and usually involves lots of eating!

Extra controls need to be in place is all I can say...

Tonight we went out to a restaurant and I didn't over eat, in fact I just had a little bit of everything, almost like my own tasting plate, I only drank chinese tea. I even shared a dessert instead of having a whole deep fried ice-cream...AND...when asked whether I wanted the bigger half or the smaller half...I said SMALLER!

A win...a definite win!

Gong Xi Fa Choy!

When offered food, especially food that I love (i.e. chocolate) I find it almost impossible to refuse.

Even if I'm not hungry, it's like a mindless automatic answer that comes out of my mouth..."oh yes please"

I don't know why? Does this make me obsessed with food???

My thoughts would be...no...I think that I've trained myself into a habit of not truly thinking about what I'm eating. I believe that I need to learn to listen more to my body and not my cravings.

For example: Just because buffet breakfast is part of my room charge, I don't have to have three courses. I don't have to have the bacon and eggs option. I can think before I select and choose the healthier option.

Another example: It's lunchtime and lunch is served in a conga line and you have to take a plate and serve yourself. I don't need to put abit of everything on my plate. I can be selective, enjoy some things but not others.

It's afternoon tea, there are biscuits and cakes out. I don't have to take one just because a waiter is offering me one...I CAN SAY NO...for goodness sake...not brain surgery...but just soooooooo hard to implement!

I was away at a work conference this week and as always it's full of fun, learning and excitement for the coming year.

One of the speakers gave an example which I straight away noted because it is so relevant to a weightloss journey (any journey in fact!).

A famous person (sorry, not good with names) was asked how he managed to climb such a massive mountain. He simply said, "I never looked at the summit because I knew that I would turn away and be overcome by my fear of not being able to go any further or that I would convince myself that I couldn't do it. Instead I looked down at my feet and watched as I put one foot in front of another, something I KNEW I could do".

This was inspiring!

I get so nervous about achieving the 30kgs that I have to lose because it's just so mammoth and I doubt my own capabilities to stick it out to the end. However, what I can do is take a step every day. I can look at each day, each gram as it's own achievement.

*sigh*...Truly inspirational!

Especially on a weekend, there is no way that you can avoid those indulgent calories.

As they teach you in programmes like Weight Watchers, it's essential to balance out your meals to allow for those special treats that you know you're going to want.

The key to watch out for will be quantities.

So tonight, I had the concept right. Healthy seafood dinner with salad, which then allowed me to have wine.

The only problem...well...I'm pretty sure I had too much seafood...and hmmm...how many wines did I have tonight???

I've sneaked a peak at the scales and I've managed to lose 0.5kg

(P.S. Weigh in day is officially every Monday...Tip: It is better to look at the scales the same time every week as your official weight loss tracker)

I'm pretty sure I've only managed to lose anything this week because of the exercise. Dang!

Hmmm...Friday night...take out and a few glasses of wine...

Do you think I've found the 0.5kgs tonight???

I have my monthly "friend" and I can think of nothing else but food.

During the day I was good, well except for the afternoon chocolates...bugger, I really couldn't help it...they were around my desk!

Dinner was great...steak and salad...

Did my exercise - quite impressed with myself on this front!

Then I had just a smidge of ice-cream...followed by some weight watchers jelly...and then some pistachios...

Oh dear!

Why is it so hard???

I went downstairs for my soy cappuccino and my salad sandwich this morning and the coffee guy said "$2 for any food item"...oh dear...so I added yoghurt to my purchase. I'm still feeling good because it has fresh fruit and raw nuts so I'm happy.

He then hands me an apple danish as I'm walking away. I mumble "thank you" as I carry the additional calories I know I don't need and I feel paralysed to hand it back.

It stares at me all day on my desk, until the minute that I'm having a stress moment and I rip open the wrapping and I eat it all in a few bites...

Why did I feel compelled to eat it? Well, it was free! Now don't tell me that you haven't used that rationalisation before!

It's like the lolly jar in the office...it's just there...and you are drawn to it...

Tomorrow is yet ANOTHER day, another chance to have more willpower to set my calories and stick to them!

P.S. I stuck to my exercise again this morning...WOOHOO! I'm fabulous!

Today was weigh in day...

I got up, did my exercise...went to the toilet (every little bit counts you know!)...stripped down as far as I could go...


I put on TWO KILOS!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

In the old days I could play around with the little gauge and blame it on the scales not being balanced. Nowadays with the digital scales, there's no fooling anyone.

I know, I'm acting all surprised, like I didn't know that all that alcohol and eating out last week in New Zealand was going to miraculous disappear over the Tasman Sea on the way home...

Ok...the positive is that it's been three days and I've kept to the daily exercise routine...and I ate relatively healthy today. Breakfast: cereal and yogurt (good!)...lunch: salad sandwich (good)...piece of my own birthday cake that someone made for me especially (hmmm...only semi-bad because it was a small piece...i know...clutching at straws)...and Dinner: chicken, rice and vegies (well, portion was a little big)...Ok so I'm ALMOST there.

Tomorrow is another day (thank goodness!)

Day two of the exercise routine and going well.

Before I could give myself an excuse not to exercise, I just went in and did it.

I set it as a must do for the day and made time in all the things that I had planned for today.

My worst enemy is the procrastination and I would constantly say to myself "I'll do it later" or I would just simply purposefully forget to do it.

You need to set your non-negotiables...

Goodness...can you tell I still need copious amounts of convincing and motivating to exercise???


Ok, now that I've got that out of my system...here is today's blog.

Every single person should have exercise into their daily routine. When it comes to weight loss there is a simple formula that applies to everyone.

Energy in = Energy Out

Calories/Kilojoules in = Body functions, energy burning activities (including dedicated exercise time!)

If we have more calories going into our body than what we are using every day, the body will store these in our fat cells, and wah-lah! We put on weight.

If you're anything like me, and have a job where you are predominantly in the office behind a computer, then I have news for you...we have to actually dedicate some serious exercise time during the time to burn off what we eat (and more if we want to lose weight!)

It's an ugly truth, but none-the-less essential.

I know the theory but I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to exercising. I will think of all the excuses first before actually exercising.

So my first of many exercise tips is this...

When you decide you need to add exercise to your weight loss journey, DO IT TODAY! Don't wait for tomorrow because you will find that tomorrow will become the next day, and the next and so on...

I have followed my own tip. Today I made the decision that I need to get on my exercise machine at least 20mins a day. I would normally say "ok, I'll start tomorrow!"...this time I decided to do it straight away!

So now I have at least 20 mins of exercise logged in for today and I feel like I've accomplished something!

Of course I know that you should be doing more than 20 mins a day, but what is more important is to make it part of you. Make it something that you fit into every day...now there is a challenge!
Heart shape made of athletic tape on red background

Some have one roll, others have two and there are some who are graced with three or more rolls. No matter how many you have, I've come to the realisation that you have to love your rolls.

Now, before you say "what the?" listen to my epiphany that I had this morning.

When I look in the mirror sideways and see my rolls, my first thoughts were to always hate what I was seeing and be disgusted. Or when I'm trying on a top, I always make sure that I can't see any "roll-age" on display. Now, this is VERY difficult when the rolls are a part of me and my current body structure.

So, what I find is that I get depressed, frustrated and upset with my rolls...and yes, you know where I'm going with this now...all these emotions lead to potential giving up on a diet, feeling hopeless and angry at oneself for not sticking to a diet and ultimately may lead to eating your weakness. For me this would be chocolate, or whatever was easiest to shove in my mouth.

Or perhaps even saying "oh well, who cares, just for tonight I shall indulge". Why? All because I have myself stirred up negative emotions towards myself.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you adopt a "Fat bastard" - a.k.a the scottish dude from Austin Powers - attitude and start rubbing your hands over your body and saying "look at me, I'm damn sexy! Look at my tit-ies!"

What I am saying is that you should always love yourself and know that your body doesn't define you as a person. I believe the key is to look at yourself and say that you are a work in progress, and that the rolls are currently being "ironed out" and they are around for a limited time only!

Use them as motivating force to keep you on track to the better you!
Red wagon in desert

I'm home from my business trip and it's time to get back on the diet wagon.

To be honest, I'm nervous about the energy that's required to be on a diet. It's always on my mind, with everything I eat, whether it be calorie counting or noting how much water I'm drinking. It's exhausting!

The only thing I am confident about is the fact that I need to go back to healthy eating! Eating out for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as drinking every night...I'm dreading the "weigh-in" tomorrow morning!

Ok, so it's 1am in NZ and I've just got back from work.

Haven't had dinner, so I order room service. I KNOW I should have thought "well it's this late, just go to bed"...but there were a number of factors here:

1. The bill will be on my work. Answer: Order room service
2. I'm sure there would be something light, and therefore healthy. Answer: Order room service
3. I still have to work for an hour or two, so I WILL be awake (burning energy using my brain...don't laugh, apparently this is true!). Answer: Order room service

So, I pick a toasted sandwich and a chicken soup...pretty healthy right? I mean come on, this would be on weight watchers!

It arrives...

The chicken soup is CREAMY chicken soup...delicious...and I mean REALLY delicious which can only mean one thing...it is FATTY!

The toasted sandwich...well...it was covered with chips, and I mean covered! It was so covered I couldn't see my sandwich!!!

This is what I should have continued drinking...

This is what I did drink...

It's been a long tough day...resistance is futile.

If you don't want to overeat and you don't want to pig out on totally unncessary calories, than control your alcohol consumption!

So I'm away on business in New Zealand and every night we're having great dinners and there is alcohol (of course). One glass, we're cruising, in control...two glasses and suddenly I feel like dessert...three glasses and I'm raiding the mini bar when I get back for some nuts...and then some chocolate.


Now I'm bloated and feeling extremely guilty.

Thank goodness there aren't any scales in the room...or is this a bad thing?????
Thinkstock Single Image Set

Mirrors in the bathroom that capture you naked before you get in the shower should be banned across the world.

I could just end the post there, because really, enough said...

Unless of course you:

a) Look like a goddess or someone who is constantly photoshopped perfection
b) Don't care about the rolls, the cellulite, the way that your bottom has extra rolls on it and looks like you're shaped like a duck
c) Are blind

The worst part is, it's like looking at an accident, you just can't turn away...I tried last night to just look away, but found myself looking in disgust and moving my rolls around to "pretend" they weren't there.

Motivation to get back on the diet? I HOPE SO!!!

I've managed to gain 1kg this last week!

It's been really hard getting back on track after the festivities of my birthday. Food is just so good! I've found it hard to resist pasta, chocolate, wine and oh my gosh...cheese!

Add the fact that I'm getting my "monthly friend" soon AND the fact that I've been working late (and therefore couldn't be bothered to cook something healthy)...and wa-lah! BLOW OUT LIKE A WHALE!!!!!!!!!!!

Why can't dieting be easy? Why can't I just think diet and the weight just drops off?

Or perhaps I should research this 1930's tapeworm diet?